Happy Kid

Hvor sødt det er at kunne give smil...

Vi er begejstrede for at kunne annoncere lanceringen af et velgørenhedsprojekt, der længe har været vores passion. Gennem hele året er vores mission at støtte forskellige organisationer verden over. Vores primære mål er aktivt at bidrage til positive forandringer ved ikke kun at yde økonomisk støtte, men også ved at blive integrerede samarbejdspartnere med disse organisationer. Vi er spændte på den indflydelse, vi kollektivt kan skabe, når vi arbejder sammen mod meningsfuld forandring.

Vores Projekter

Luciana’s POV: Days 1-2 at La Mesada, Argentina.

During her first two days in La Mesada, a remote community in the Argentinian mountains, Luciana experienced an adventure full of challenges and unforgettable encounters. The arduous journey through steep paths and thin air led her into a world far removed from everyday life - and the adventure had only just begun.
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Closer to Isolated Communities: A Life-Changing Adventure

In La Mesada, Argentina, we have provided ten sustainable kitchens that allow families to cook more safely and save time collecting wood - small changes with a big impact.
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A Heartfelt Visit to Hogar Sueño de Amor

A visit to Hogar Sueño de Amor in Buenos Aires, where new tableware and sweet treats were donated, creating moments of joy and connection with children cared for by inspiring women shaping their future.
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We Did It—Again! Tiziano Has His New Wheelchair!

Last month, we surprised Tiziano with the wheelchair he had been dreaming of, and it was a moment filled with pure emotion.
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A Heartwarming Day with Lazos: Running Towards Dreams

What do snacks and running shoes have in common? Thanks to your snackbox purchases, we donated 35 running shoes to people with disabilities that train with the Lazos Running Foundation. 
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Spreading Love and Smiles: How a Sensorial Kit is Transforming Lives at Hospital I.R.E.P

Spreading love and smiles: We donated a sensory kit worth €6000 to the IREP hospital to help patients with physical and mental disabilities.
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Tiziano’s Sweet Dream: En ny kørestol til en spirende paralympisk stjerne

En spirende paralympisk stjerne: Sweets & Smiles' mål er at rejse 1.500 € for at give Tiziano en specialfremstillet kørestol, designet specifikt til hans behov og sportslige ambitioner.
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Spreading Love and Smiles: Fostering Hope and Faith in Children's Brighter Futures

Hello reader! In a new chapter of Sweets & Smiles, I want to tell you about my visit to a day home called "Sueño de Amor" for underprivileged children and adolescents.
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Tilbage til Skole

Burzaco, Argentina

Vi hjalp børn med at starte i skole til tiden ved at donere fyldte rygsække.

Vi formåede at hjælpe 173 familier, så børnene kunne starte i skole med alt nødvendigt udstyr.

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Om Sweets&Smiles

Sweets & Smiles er en nonprofitorganisation grundlagt af SnackPilot med en klar mission: at sprede glæde til så mange mennesker som muligt! Vi tror på kraften i at bringe lykke, og det er vores mål at have en positiv indflydelse på alle mulige måder. Hold øje med opdateringer om alle vores projekter, som vil blive delt her, på vores hjemmeside og på vores mærkes sociale mediekanaler.